The athletics club meets on Monday night in St Bernadette’s Primary School. The junior Boltz is aimed at children aged 7-12 years and meets between 6.00-7.00pm, and the teenagers/adults group meets from 7.00-8.00pm.
The children’s NM Boltz is run by a qualified athletics coach Pat Kelly, who won Scottish Volunteer of the Year in 2014 for his work with young people in sport. The club is relaxed and friendly and aims to encourage children’s healthy development through active fun games such as: the clock in the tower strikes the hour, bench dodgeball, and lots of ‘tag’ games. We also regularly use athletics equipment such as indoor long-jump and high-jump, hurdles, hoops and balls and weather permitting (!!) we can be found outside practising our team relays.
Take a look at our photos to see what we’ve been up to this term. Happy smiley kids and not a single electronic device to be seen — perfect!!
The older group starts with an indoor warm-up and then it’s a run or indoor circuits followed by cool down and stretching. Different ability groups have developed with everyone encouraged to go at their own pace whether it’s walking/jogging or a brisk run with a sprint home.
It’s great fun and a good way to meet new friends. It’s a great way to build up fitness, and because group members support each other’s efforts, some members with no previous running experience, are now taking part in 5k or even 10K events.
Cost Free for all ages.
For more information see our facebook page.